Miuzela do CôaMunicipality Almeida
Extension 2,2 km Initial coordinate 40°29'15.61"N; 6°59'12.45"W How to get there? Follow the EN324 (which goes from Sabugal to A25) until the detour to Miuzela. In the village follow the signs to the Grande Rota do Côa and the picnic park, where the EBIO starts. |
Short description
Miuzela do Côa Biodiversity Station belongs to the Natura 2000 Malcata site and it mostly coincides with the Grande Rota do Côa. This is the second station created in this rout. You can also visit the Fóios EBIO, located in the source of the river and so in the beginning of this great trail with about 200 km. Before initiating the trail we advise you to enjoy the picnic park and the river beach to get to know better some of the Côa river dragonflies and damselflies (P1). Already on the way to Sequeiros Bridge, you will first cross a meadow’s area, followed by a rocky slope covered by Mediterranean bush
Miuzela do Côa Biodiversity Station belongs to the Natura 2000 Malcata site and it mostly coincides with the Grande Rota do Côa. This is the second station created in this rout. You can also visit the Fóios EBIO, located in the source of the river and so in the beginning of this great trail with about 200 km. Before initiating the trail we advise you to enjoy the picnic park and the river beach to get to know better some of the Côa river dragonflies and damselflies (P1). Already on the way to Sequeiros Bridge, you will first cross a meadow’s area, followed by a rocky slope covered by Mediterranean bush
Authorship Tagis + MUHNAC + cE3c
Support Câmara Municipal de Almeida Funding Territórios do Côa + Vale do Côa + Provere + Mais Centro Links: Grande Rota do Côa |
Butterflies: Iberian Sooty Copper (Lycaena bleusei), Black-veined White (Aporia crataegi), Glanville Fritillary (Melitaea cinxia), Provence Hairstreak (Tomares ballus), Peacock Butterfly (Aglais io)
Dragonflies: Broad-bodied Chaser (Libellula depressa)
Other insects: Gryllus campestris
Other animals: Red-tailed Spiny-footed Lizard (Acanthodactylus erythrurus)
Flora: Euphorbia oxyphylla
Butterflies: Iberian Sooty Copper (Lycaena bleusei), Black-veined White (Aporia crataegi), Glanville Fritillary (Melitaea cinxia), Provence Hairstreak (Tomares ballus), Peacock Butterfly (Aglais io)
Dragonflies: Broad-bodied Chaser (Libellula depressa)
Other insects: Gryllus campestris
Other animals: Red-tailed Spiny-footed Lizard (Acanthodactylus erythrurus)
Flora: Euphorbia oxyphylla